Ankit Sohani - Digital Marketing Professional & Amazon Seller Central Expert

Ankit Sohani

Digital Marketing Professional & Amazon Seller Central Expert

India | Asia/Kolkata (USD)

Full-time : 30+ hrs/week


Selling on Amazon, or Willing to Launch your Business on Amazon? There are fun and lots of Challenges too. Selling is not easy; each time you need Strong Strategies to grab Sales and Profit. With 5 Plus years of Digital Marketing & E-Commerce Experience Made me an Expert in all aspects of Amazon Eco-System.

I have Launched Many Amazon Stores of Local Clients and Achieved Velocity Selling on Amazon with the help of my proven techniques.

Please Check Following Services that I can provide, and I also attached a Document with My Portfolio That Describes everything about my services, please do check:

Amazon Seller Central Service:

- Seller Account Management
- Private Label Product Launching
- Product Research & Procurement
- Lost Inventory Inspection & Reimbursement

For More: Please Do Check Full Detail Document in the Portfolio Section

Digital Marketing Services

- On-Page SEO
- SEO Optimized Web Design
- Google Adwords/PPC
- Facebook Pixel / Business Manager
- Email Marketing
- Social Media Marketing

Feel Free to Contact Me!