Hamza A. - Lead Full-Stack Engineer @ IDENBRID | React | Next | Vue | Node | JavaScript | AWS Amplify

Hamza A.

Lead Full-Stack Engineer @ IDENBRID | React | Next | Vue | Node | JavaScript | AWS Amplify

Pakistan | Asia/Karachi (USD)

Full-time : 30+ hrs/week


🚀 Passionate Full-Stack Engineer 🚀 🌟 Creating seamless user experiences is my passion! 🌟 🎯 About Me: With a knack for marrying cutting-edge technologies like React.js, Vue.js, and Next.js, I bring a wealth of experience in leading end-to-end development cycles. I'm driven by the thrill of crafting elegant solutions and mentoring teams to achieve coding excellence. 💼 Employment Highlights: Currently serving as a Full-Stack Engineer at IDENBRID, where I orchestrate frontend and backend tasks with finesse, leveraging Next.js and Tailwind CSS for sleek user interfaces. My expertise in AWS services ensures scalable and performant solutions. 🔍 Skills Snapshot: HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, JavaScript, TypeScript, AWS (Amplify, Cognito, AppSync), Node.js, MongoDB, Git. 🎓 Education: Pursuing a Bachelor's in Computer Science at Virtual University, honing my skills in programming and software development. 🌐 Projects Showcase: I've curated an impressive portfolio, including projects like Four Seasons Restaurant, BizzGuild, and POA, each demonstrating my ability to create user-centric digital solutions with finesse. ✨ Let's Connect: I'm eager to collaborate with forward-thinking teams and contribute to transformative tech projects. Reach out to explore synergies!



Lead Full-Stack Engineer

IDENBRID INC. - Nov, 2021 to present, Japan | Pakistan

MERN Stack Developer

Alpha Rages - Apr, 2020 to Sep, 2021, Pakistan

Web Developer

Salsoft Technologies - Nov, 2019 to Apr, 2020, Pakistan


BS, Computer Science

(2021 - 2024) Virtual University