Shailendra G. - iOS Developer 9 years Exp.

Shailendra G.

iOS Developer 9 years Exp.

India | Asia/Kolkata (USD)

Part-time:10-30 hrs/week


I am working as a Mobile Application Developer. I have 9 years of experience as an iOS developer. The responsibility of the current designation is communication with the client and gathering the information related to the application. As well as getting the information and develop the application according to information. Next step to pass the build to QA team for testing and after the resolve all issues if anyone the current build, If everything is good to take the go-ahead from the client for upload on apple store if the client gives the go-ahead upload the build on apple store for publish the application. In all the process I am using JIRA Software for Tracking the application. I m working on Sprint to Sprint, Every Sprint divides in the task and working on Sprint and meet the deadline.


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