Supriti K. - Emergency medicine student

Supriti K.

Emergency medicine student

India | Asia/Kolkata (INR)

Part-time:10-30 hrs/week


SUPRITI KARTAR CAREER OBJECTIVE: An enthusiastic and hardworking college going student, looking forward to making the most of the time during the pandemic and enhancing my skills and to succeed in an environment of growth where my skills can be of utmost help. ACHIEVEMENTS: • Writing Experience • Written for School Newsletter and event reports for local newspapers • Participated in several intra-school and inter-school competitions and was awarded for the same • A state level football player • Participated in several inter-college sports events and won awards for the same • Won several English essay competitions on a national level • part of the editing team on a college level • experience with several online interviews and online promotional videos
INDIVIDUAL SKILL SETS: • Good Communication and presentation skills • Team spirited and a team player • Can Lead a team/group • Can converse in English, Hindi and Marathi COMPUTER PROFICIENCY: • Proficient in Microsoft word and Microsoft PowerPoint AREAS OF SPECIALISATION: • Proof Reading • Content Writing