How to search freelancing projects

Author - Dushyant TyagiDushyant Tyagi
Jul 10, 2017
How to search freelancing projects
Searching for the project that suits your skills best is a bit tricky process in freelancing world. Sometimes, you won’t even get a good interesting project for days and then you will get them in bulk on a good day. This process is equally hectic for beginners and experienced ones. In a routine survey we found it takes equal time in searching the projects and completing the project.

The time you spend in searching, short listing and bidding is not billable to clients hence consider this time as 'unproductive'. The best approach would be to minimize this unproductive time so that you can maximize the billable hours.

Below are some tips to search and shortlist the good projects that will help you to save many hours. Other then these tips, we highly recommend you activate your auto proposals to make this time zero.

1. Identify your type of project

We all have different skills and priorities. The best way is to make a decision what exactly you want before starting the search. Sometimes, you will have a good amount of time so you can take ongoing work which ends in 2-3 weeks but when you already have enough work, you should bid on projects which ends in 1-2 days. Some good developers often search for the quick fix projects which can be completed in 2-5 hours and pays well. So think of your priority and then search.

2. Use advance filter

Advance filter gives you good shortlisted results. The better you use the filter, better the quality of projects you will get. It is advisable to use the advance filter when you are in lack of time. When you have enough time we recommend to browse and check all the projects. It will help you to get an idea of upcoming trends and demands.

Toogit advance filter

3. Activate automatic proposals

This one is exclusively for Toogit freelancers and clients. Activating automatic proposals will give you projects in your selected skills and budget. You will never run out of work.

By know you know how to search and shortlist the projects you want. Once you shortlist them, its time to make bids and proposals. We will provide all details in the next article.

Check this article for activating auto proposals:

Enjoy toogitting.

Last Modified: Jul 10, 2017
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