Make the best bid to get freelancing project

Author - Dushyant TyagiDushyant Tyagi
Mar 14, 2017
Make the best bid to get freelancing project

Getting a freelancing project is all about making a good proposal or bid. Your profile and portfolio have their own importance but only a good proposal can make your client to check your profile and portfolio. If your proposal is not good enough no one is going to come and visit your portfolio and profile.

Making a good proposal does not guarantee you to get the project but it definitely gives you a chance to stand out of other 50 proposals. Below tips will help you to craft your proposal and get online freelancing jobs easily:

1.Don’t miss the details

You won’t believe that 80% of bidding freelancers don’t actually read the entire description because they prefer to be the first instead of being the best proposal. And this is the one and only reasons to lose some projects. Not all projects. Some projects, in which a client checks if you have read the description.

When you will check the details, in many projects clients put some code words in the description and asks you to mention the word in your proposal. If you don’t mention these words, your proposal is going to be rejected without further hearing regardless of how good your profile, portfolio, reputation and reviews are. It simply conveys a message to the client that ‘You have no attention to details’. Don’t do that.

2. Know when to use generic templates

Most of us keep sending same template for all the proposals we make. If you don’t figure out where to use it, you are more likely going to lose the project.

The right time to send generic template is when client is accepting auto-proposals. Auto proposals only work when client has accepted to receive auto bids. This is the time to use your generic template in your auto proposals. Otherwise, if client is not accepting auto proposals, never use your generic template. Instead, craft a separate proposal for each project you bid on.

3.Know the difference between cheap and fair bid

Most of us tend to send a low price bid than others. It won’t get you the project because it would simply convey your client that you are desperate for the work. Being interested is good but being desperate is bad. Your client is very well aware about the market price and fair price for the project. Avoid being unrealistically low in your bid. Make a genuine offer considering the market, time and investments you will have to make in the work.

4.Think if the project makes you crave for it

There is a difference between good work and best work. Good work comes from your skills, professionalism, expertise but the best work comes from your interest in the project. If you are lacking here and there is skills and expertise, this is something you can catch up with little polishing. But if you are lacking in ‘interest’, no matter how good you are, your work won’t be the best. And freelancing is one craft that is built over your reputation. Deliver your best work you will never have troubles getting more work.

When sending your proposal, be selective. There will always be few projects that make you crave about them, bid on them. On these projects, your proposal will actually reflect your ‘interest’ and you will get them.

5.Send your sample work in attachment

While checking your proposal, the client would love to see your similar or related work. Go through complete description, recall if you have done something similar, attach everything in the proposal and send it. This one thing will help you get the project in case client got multiple identical freelancers.

6. Nothing better than auto proposal when your client wants it

Some projects have urgency and are basically time deadline specific. Most of the times, hiring process gets delayed because the ‘right’ freelancers notice the project late. So to expedite the hiring process, client accepts the auto proposals. If you happen to be the ‘right’ freelancer in the skill and budget, you will miss this project if your auto proposal is not active.

Set up your auto proposals and be sure to get these types of projects. These are only one of many types of projects you will get by activating auto proposals.

Last Modified: Mar 14, 2017
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