Arafath A. - Full stack developer (Laravel/Vue/React )

Arafath A.

Full stack developer (Laravel/Vue/React )

Sri Lanka | Asia/Colombo (USD)

Full-time : 30+ hrs/week


I'm Arafath an expert Full Stack with 7 Years Working Experience.
My code is semantic, valid and clean, ideal for other developers.

I can help you with my following Services.

✓ Back-End (Laravel, ExpressJS)
✓ JavaScript (JavaScript ES6, VueJS, ReactJS)
✓ Database (MySql,MySqli)
✓ APIs (REST Apis)
✓ Git / Github, Gitlab(Version Control)
✓ Bootstrap /Vuetify

Why Choose Me?
✓ 7+ Years working experience (Full Stack Development)
✓ Extremely Fast (Quick Result and Response)
✓ Great Support (During the Project even after the project)
✓ Reliable, Dedicated, Passionate & Detailed Oriented developer.
✓ Great Team Player.
✓ Quick Suggestions.

Sound's Good?
Let's discuss your project and work together!


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