Rahul S. - Senior Content Writer

Rahul S.

Senior Content Writer

India | Asia/Kolkata (USD)

Part-time:10-30 hrs/week


I have close to 10 years of experience in Content Writing and have been involved with numerous organizations on full-time and part time basis. During my career, I have worked with Marketing, Digital Marketing, SEO and Corporate Communication teams at different organizations and has provided them with multiple forms of content such as
• Website Content
• SEO Articles
• Thought Leadership Blogs
• Marketing Collateral
• Product Descriptions
• Case Studies
I have significant exposure in the Information Technology sector where most of my employers and freelance customers worked before. Additionally, I have created SEO oriented content for several verticals such as retail, hospitality & travel, electronic gadgets and so on.
My experience with content writing can surely make a difference in your organization’s marketing or digital marketing efforts if I am provided a freelance opportunity.