Bhavesh P. - Full Stack Developer | Java/Spring | PHP | RoR | Nodejs Expert

Bhavesh P.

Full Stack Developer | Java/Spring | PHP | RoR | Nodejs Expert

India | Asia/Kolkata (USD)

Full-time : 30+ hrs/week


Over the last 8 years, I have developed a wide range of websites/applications based on Ruby on Rails, Java and Go Lang technologies. I have experienced as Senior developer/Architecture with several successfully funded startups and MNCs. My development experience started over 8 years ago. Since then I've practiced all the software engineering principles and technologies needed to create reliable and maintainable production-ready web applications from scratch.

Primary expertises are below:

Programming language: Java, Ruby, Go, C, SQL, Shell script
Java Based frameworks: Hibernate, Struts2, Spring boot, Dropwizard, REST API (Jackson), Spring (core, security, MVC, data, Rest), JMeter, JUnit, PowerMock, EasyMock, Swing, RCP, TestNG, Cobertura
Building frameworks: Ant, maven, Gradle
Ruby Based frameworks: Rails 3.x and 4.x, Padrino, ActiveAdmin, ActiveRecords, RSpec, factory girl, Sinatra, Cucumber, Shopify
Version control system (VCS): Git, Perforce, SVN
Other Frameworks: Elasticsearch, Mule ESB, Fusion ESB, Work Point, GeoTools, JIRA, Jenkins, Apache Tomcat Server, JBoss, Jasper Reports, Eclipse IDE, NetBeans, Heroku, AWS, Sphinx, Apache Solr, Liferay, Alfresco, Google App Engine, SIP, Asterisk.
Database: MySQL, Oracle, Neo4j, Hana, HBase, LevelDB, MongoDB, Redis, PostgreSQL

I provide the next services:
* Web apps development, optimization and System integration
* Development of API clients, bots, various tools and libraries.
* create components consistent with every other application layer
* Setup and Deployment of development (staging), QA and Production environment.
* Setup continues development and integration using Jenkins and setup build tool like ant, maven, Gradle.
* Dockerization of java based application like dockerization Spring boot application or RoR application.
* Able to resolve issues in the application of any layer, allowing a project to not seek or wait for another narrowly specialized developer. In other words, I can maximize overall project development performance by having enough horizon and insight to think of it systematically.

I am ready for any demo/evaluation work based on what can you proceed further.



Install Bitgo Wallet for Bitcoin and Litecoin in a Peatio cryptocurrency exchange

Job in progress

Setup needed for a new Peatio Cryptocurrency Exchange

Job in progress

Java Spring boot Application with MySQL

Job in progress

Peatio on docker

No feedback given

Coins (Bitcoin cash, ripple, bitcoin gold) Integration with BitGod and Comission fees

No feedback given


No feedback given

Deploy a Crypto payment gateway

No feedback given

Adding fiat to an exchange - project for Patel

Bhavesh is a good and skilled worker, he keeps his word and understands the needs of the client. We will be working with him in the future on new projects.

Set up UAT / Sandbox server

Fantastic job done by Bhavesh. One more time. As expected, spot on!

Edit UI of exchange app

Quick and correct edits done on our app. We continue to engage Bhavesh.

Deploy a Bitcoin / Altcoin Exchange on a Staging Server

Bhavesh, is hardworking and dedicated. He quickly understood what we requested, studies the various components and delivered exactly what we needed. We will definitely engage with him going ahead.

Install Woocommerce Sensei on Wordpress site

No feedback given

Install Peatio Assets Exchange on Staging Server

Bhavesh knows Peatio well and can get the very basic/no frills version running quickly. I didn't do anything advanced on this project, so I can only comment on his knowledge of basic Peatio.