Uses of Python - What exactly can you do with it?

Uses of Python - What exactly can you do with it?

If you’ve any idea or concept of application and you decide to build your application concept in best programming language, Python is on top of the table. But you may be asking yourself,

What exactly can I use Python for?”

The app development market is greedy but flexible. Trends define the need, and needs define actual trends. Python is now a trend, no doubt about it. Python is also really friendly, thanks to its popularity and the helpful community.

Python is so good, rather than describing what it can do, it’s actually faster to say what Python can’t do. Python is a high-level general purpose programming language that gives multiple paradigms like object-orientation, and structural and functional programming for software development. It works on cross-platform operating systems and may be used across to develop a wide range of applications including those intended for image processing, text processing, web, and enterprise level using scientific, numeric and data from network. According to Stack Overflow, Python is the fastest-growing programming language in the world, and it will still grow even faster. It’s already well recognized as a really universal, versatile, stable, and easy to learn programming the language.

The growth rate of python was not something easy to realize. There are various attributes of python programming tool which has provided it with a tremendous successful journey. Python features a major role in the latest technologies of current and future times like machine learning and artificial intelligence.

Who uses Python

Python is used almost everywhere like in programming, robotics, artificial intelligence, data science, civil engineering, physics, finance, mechanical engineering, bioinformatics, electrical engineering, etc. Just take a glance at the following list (which is not exhaustive). The purpose is that Python will apply to whatever you’re interested in, no matter what it is.

  • In internet search: Google used Python everywhere in its early development phase.
  • In Space: International Space Station’s Robonaut 2 robot uses Python for its central command system. Python is planned to be used during a European mission to Mars in 2020 together a soil samples.
  • Physics Laboratory: Python helps understand the data analysis from some atom smashing experiments at the CERN Large Hadron Collider.
  • In astronomy: The MeerKat astronomical telescope array (the largest astronomical telescope within the Southern Hemisphere) uses Python for its control and monitoring systems.
  • In movie studios: Industrial Light and Magic (Star Wars geniuses) uses Python to automate its movie production processes. Side Effects Software’s computer generated imagery program Houdini uses Python for It's programming interface and to script the engine.
  • In games: Activision uses Python for building games, testing, and analyzing stuff. They even use Python to search out people cheat by boosting one another.
  • In music/video industry: Spotify music streaming service uses Python to send you music. Netflix uses Python to make sure movies play (stream) no end. Python is used a lot for YouTube.
  • In medicine: The Nodality company uses Python to handle information that they used to search for a cure to cancer.

What to do with Python

With Python, you'll learn to create such things as a math trainer for practicing your times tables or an easy encryption (a secret code) program. And when you’ve honed your skills over time, there are other things you’ll be able to do, such as:

  • Using Tkinter (or other widget sets), you can write user applications that use graphics rather than just text to interact with the user.
  • You can extend other programs like Blender (a 3D modeling program), GIMP (a 2D photo-retouching program), and LibreOffice (office programs), among many others by writing custom scripts.
  • You can write games with graphics using Tkinter or the Pygame or Kivy libraries.
  • You can use the matplotlib library to draw complex graphs for your math or science courses.
  • You can design a website using web frameworks that are based on Python like Django and Flask have recently become very popular for web development.
  • You can use python libraries for machine learning, data science, and data visualization.
  • Using Python scripting you can write small programs for design automate simple tasks.
  • Using the open CV library, you can experiment with computer vision. People who are into robotics use it to help their robots see and grab things and to avoid obstacles when moving.

Whatever you want it to do, there’s a good chance someone has already written code to do it or to help you to do it yourself.

Applications of Python in real world

  1. Web frameworks and web application: Python has been used to create a web frameworks including CherryPy, Django, TurboGears, Bottle, Flask, etc. These frameworks provide standard libraries and modules which simplify tasks associated with content management, interaction with database, and interfacing with different internet protocols like HTTP, SMTP, XML-RPC, FTP and POP. Plone, a content management system; ERP5, an open source ERP which is employed in aerospace, apparel, and banking; Odoo- a consolidated suite of business applications; and Google App engine is the most popular web applications based on Python.
  2. GUI based desktop application: Python has simple and the ability to work on multiple operating systems which make it a desirable choice for developing desktop-based applications. There are various GUI toolkits available which help developers to create highly functional Graphical User Interface (GUI). Various applications developed using Python includes image processing, graphics design, games, scientific and computational application.
  3. Enterprise and business application: With features that include special libraries, extensibility, scalability and simply readable syntax, Python may be a suitable coding language for customizing larger applications. Reddit, which was originally written in common lips, was rewritten in Python in 2005. Python also contributed in a very large part to functionality in YouTube.
  4. Language developement: Python’s design and module architecture has influenced development of various languages. Boo, language uses an object model, syntax and indentation, almost like Python. Further, syntax of languages like Apple’s Swift, CoffeeScript, Cobra, and OCaml all share similarity with Python.
  5. Operating systems: Python is usually an integral part of Linux distributions. As an example, Ubuntu’s Ubiquity Installer, and Fedora’s and Red Hat Enterprise Linux’s Anaconda Installer are written in Python. Gentoo Linux makes use of Python for Portage, its package management system.

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What Python Means?

What is Python Script?

Python is an interpreted, object-oriented, high-level programming language with dynamic semantics.

Python's simple, easy to learn syntax emphasizes readability and therefore reduces the cost of program maintenance.

Python supports modules and packages, which encourages program modularity and code reuse.

What is a Python Script Freelancer?

Python is an interpreted, object-oriented and extensible programming language. Python can run on many different operating systems.

A freelancer well versed in Python can handle your workload quite easily. To hire freelance programming help for Python post a job today!

What is a Freelancer?

A freelancer or freelance worker, is a term commonly used for a person who is self-employed and is not necessarily committed to a particular employer long-term.

Why hire a Freelancer instead of full time employee?

If there is a long lead time for them to get up and running, using that investment on a full-time employee might be a better option. And if the position requires oversight, hire an employee.

A freelancer might choose to perform the work outside of normal business hours, when you're not able to monitor their progress.

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