Don't be Bob in your freelancer profile

Bob is the name of an imaginary character. He is a committed freelancer but beginning his freelancing career. He is not real but reflects the qualities and weaknesses of many freelancers.


When Bob started freelancing he did several mistakes in making his profile. Later on when he realized about the mistakes, he became a successful high earning top rated freelancer.


These are the mistakes Bob made while creating his profile, avoid them.


1.He didn’t show his face


Profile photo makes you trustable and relatable as a human. Bob initially used an animated photo which didn’t show his face and Bob became a human without a faceJ

He made his first proposal and his client thought Bob is a spam profile someone has created to take advantage in promoting his actual profile.

But Bob was real. He realized and updated his real photo but missed the first project he really liked.


2. He didn’t title it effectively


Bob is a good technical writer and a good website developer, really skillful in his craft. But in his profile he just mentioned ‘writer’.

His client did not know if he would be good enough to write step by step instruction to implement a latest technology. Because client was looking for a ‘technical writer’ and Bob was a ‘writer’. Writer is a vague word, it didn’t show if Bob was a creative writer or technical writer or a fiction writer. Don’t be vague like Bob, be specific to show your expertise.


3. He didn’t write services


Bob realized ‘technical writer’ is a better description than ‘writer’. He updated it but still got unnoticed in his next bids.


His client was looking for a technical writer who can design a knowledge base articles step by step to implement a latest technology. But Bob was a ‘technical writer’ who didn’t add what service he provides best.

‘Technical writer’ could be designing e-learnings, brochures, machine instructions, knowledge bases etc. All these sounds related but the client gave the project to a ‘technical writer’ whose added service was ‘Making knowledge bases’.


Bob added this service in the profile and hoped he would now get the projects.



4. He didn’t show all services


Bob is a pretty good website developer too. But his next client imaged him as a ‘technical writer’ providing ‘knowledge base creation services ’.

This client was looking for a good ‘technical writer’ who has experience in designing websites. Client was looking someone to explain a latest web technology in a knowledge base so that his other ‘web developers’ can understand this technology in first go. So the best match would be the one who knows ins and outs of web development and create this new article with his own experience in web development.


The job was high paying but Bob lost it as he didn’t show his all service in his gigs. Ideally Bob should have shown website development, technical writing, and knowledge base writing in his gigs. It would have helped him in getting web development projects as well.


5. He didn’t show them in portfolio


Bob then added all the services in his profile. His clients actually started noticing his profile but still he was not getting the project.


He didn’t add his best works in his portfolio. When you are bidding for work, nothing could be more impressive than your work samples. Add them in your portfolio and avoid repeating the mistakes Bob made.


Bob worked on his profile very well and started getting online money making freelancing jobs. Don’t be Bob in your profile. Check your profile and remove the mistakes Bob made. You will than get online freelancing jobs and have a luxury to work from home.


Posted at - Mar 14, 2017 & Last Modified at - Aug 2, 2018

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Dushyant is a seasoned freelance writer, developer and start-up enthusiast. Apart from front and backend development, his passion for writing makes him an expert in blogging, content writing and generating quality web traffic.

Dushyant Tyagi | Freelance Writer

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