Get long term clients in freelancing

Getting clients in freelancing is hard; getting good clients is even harder. The best way to boost your freelancing career is to make long term trust and relationship with your clients. There are several ways to make the terms longer but the best is to deliver the best work and meet your deadlines successfully.

You will get different rates for different projects you take. These rates do not actually affect your overall freelancing career in the beginning provided you get them from long term clients. Sometimes, your employer might have tight budget for one small project but in future their need and budget may change. So deliver the best, if not for many then do it for a good review and feedback that will help you getting many freelancing jobs online.

Other advantage of preferring long time work is you will not have to spend many hours everyday in searching and shortlisting the projects you want to bid on. Below are few tips for getting and managing long term projects:

1. Try to have overlapping projects so you don’t have to be idle in the meantime. It also helps you recover if you face problems in one of them. If you are a not a full time freelancer, managing more than one full time projects could be hard along with your job.

2. If you work in a group or a team, you can handle the bidding and time management task to the one who is best in it. So that rest of you will have more time to deliver the good work timely.

3. Money could be the one thing attracting you to freelancing. It is true that everyone works to earn but sometimes it is better to earn a respect than money from someone. Don’t blindly go for money part. Make it an important point but don’t make it a sole reason of refusing a project.

4. Don’t depend solely on online freelancing. Try getting offline clients as well. Most people who look for small short term work, are not (enough) internet savy to know about freelancing websites.

5. Offer discounts and curtsies to your old clients. In fact any client coming back to you for second time is soon going to be your own permanent client as he admires your work. Give them professional curtsy and offer a discount that suits your pocket.


Posted at - Mar 15, 2017 & Last Modified at - Mar 15, 2017

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Dushyant is a seasoned freelance writer, developer and start-up enthusiast. Apart from front and backend development, his passion for writing makes him an expert in blogging, content writing and generating quality web traffic.

Dushyant Tyagi | Freelance Writer

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