How to find your freelance niche in 2020 | step-by-step guide

Before you start searching for a freelance niche, what exactly is a niche? Creating a niche as a freelancer means that you’ve focused your freelance work on a specific skill or industry.

Have you been struggling to find out “the best freelance niche in 2020”? Google search gives more than 10,000 results, and you change your mind more than 100 times… “This one! No, wait… That one.”

It’s not easy to pick any one freelance niche from 1000+ different options. But it is important to establish your freelance business and work to build it up.

In 2020, freelancing is one of the fastest-growing fields in the world and lots of competition in freelancing but that doesn’t mean that you cannot enter. If you know the right guts (skills) to play then no one can take you down. Your aim to earn more money from your work in 2020, let’s assess your skills, experience, and interests to discover the niche that’s right for you.

Everyone should think seriously about their niche, you can never start your freelance business without your niche. Potential niches help us to grow a career strategically and in one direction instead of all over the place.

How did I pick my niche?

The intersection of your expertise, your passion, and market viability should be your niche.”

The freelance niche allows you to focus on what you’re perfect at. You will use your natural talents, and skills, and become intrinsically motivated so, you can use your energy to grow rather than simply surviving week to week.

There are three steps you should follow while choosing any freelance niche.


1) Define your “Strength”:

Strength is the first thing you should define while choosing your niche. It’s hard for us to see our strengths and weakness for ourselves. There are a few ways to get a better perspective of your best professional skills. You just take stock of your resume/educational details and find out:

  • What’s your training or education?
  • What special skills or knowledge have you developed through your work?
  • Which position and skills you mastered in that role?
  • What is the success score of each position and skills, like the number of projects you had, reviews, etc?
  • What did you learn from your failures?

After a quick analysis of your strength, ask yourself:

  • Was I, good at this position or skill?
  • Did I love it? Why?
  • Is it a lucrative revenue stream?

These questions can help you to narrow down your potential niches. Whatever your niche is, whatever you’re thinking about doing, list down your potential niche. Find the market status of each skill, it should be your next step.


2) Check the market status of your skills:

Having a passion for a particular niche is not enough. You also want to make sure there are people willing to buy what you’re selling. What if there is no market for your freelance niche, then your work will stay a hobby.

Sound creepy...


So before selecting your niche you should check the market value of your skills by checking some job boards and freelancing sites to see if there is a demand for your niche or not. Then you need to choose what service you’re going to offer and how to package them. Whatever services you have chosen, be specific about the service you will offer instead of overstuffing your profile with too many offerings. Once you committed to the service you will offer, Let’s dive into the next step.


3) Once committed, Market it

Once you have decided on a freelance niche, you need to find the best way to reach your targeted audience, which means the find the right marketing platform. Every niche has a community online that you can get involved in. Just sign up on the forum and posting your services once in a while. If you determine your niche and begin to market yourself as an expert, I guarantee you’ll start reeling in much bigger fish than before. I suggest you market your services and finds many potential clients just with Toogit only.

Your niche gives you a clearer thought of what sort of work will help to develop your business. It will enable you to brand yourself, find clients and work, focus your time spent perfecting. If you have a freelance niche means you’ll come to be seen by clients as an expert in your field and any department specialists are valued more, that means you need more prestige and interests to discover the niche that’s right for you.”


Posted at - Jun 7, 2020 & Last Modified at - Nov 5, 2020

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Khalid is a hard core techie with an undying desire to learn and explore new technologies. In his journey to the perfection, he owned the development methodologies, provided with best optimal options and platform selections in technical designs and helped numerous clients to evaluate & improve their technical architecture.

Khalid Ansari | CTO

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