How to Win Writing Jobs online in freelancing

Writing is a complicated task. At least when you take it as a task. Writing is something that comes naturally. Hence, the writing project you are bidding on should be something similar to the niche that you like most. In freelancing, writing is the best way to earn good while working from home. If you are an aspiring writer, these tips can help you more jobs quickly online.

1.The introduction

Writers know the value and charm of a good introduction. Keep it short, crisp and sweet. The challenge you would face is to cover everything and still make it short. But isn’t it the biggest challenge in writing?

A writer’s profile should give a glimpse of his writing skills and expertise. Take some time to craft your profile and be assured that it will pay you off.

2. Experience and Passion

Writers don’t actually have a limit. This is a creative community and creativeness don’t have bounds. But there is always one thing that you love most to write about. Show this one best suit as your passion.

Experience has its own value. In writing, it is most important. Writing, most of the times, is a descriptive expansion of writer’s own experiences. The more experience you get, more you get to write about. It is a good practice to show your entire experience.

3. Boundaries

As a writer you have an amazing power to influence reader’s opinion with your opinions. It is important to follow rules in your writing. Show the employers that you religiously follow the rules. Such as NDA. It will make you a good writer who respects his contract.

4. Get attention

Your client will always check your past work and also your profile. Profile should catch client’s attention in first 2-3 sentences. If a writer couldn’t write his own profile, is hard to be considered as a good writer.

Craft your online presence in a way that it grabs the attention and shows your writing skills.

5. Use graphics

Graphics and pictures make it readable and eye catching. Online readers are not actually going to read it unless you give them something to get attracted. Nothing works better than good graphics.

Attach your best work in the portfolio that has the best graphics. It will not only make your employer to actually read your stuff, but also make him admire your skills in using graphics effectively.


Posted at - Mar 16, 2017 & Last Modified at - Mar 16, 2017

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As the managing editor of the Toogit blog, Essabell works with regular and guest writers to share information that helps freelancers and businesses navigate the future of work. She owns Nimbyist Communications and helps non-profits, startups, and small business owners get their content marketing on track.

Isabelle | Managing Editor

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