Service or Product Based company to start your career?


A lot of us fancy about being an employee of Service Based MNCs. And why not, these are some of the reputed brands in service-based industry. But, are they equally valuable to all? Are you really made for them and vice-versa? We will try to understand these two basic questions in this post in a simple yet effective way.


Service based companies expects nothing from you as long as you are billable and client is paying for you. You are just a headcount. You mean nothing to them, physically. You are just a resource on paper for which client pays them something.


On the other hand, product based companies expect a lot from you. You are the one who design and develop the products for them. You are the one who shape the future of products and in turn company.


So, to be an eligible employee of a product based company you have to have following

  1. Innovative mind
  2. Never say no attitude
  3. No 9 to 6 attitude. If work demands, you should be ready to work before 9 and after 6.
  4. Ready to learn and explore new technologies
  5. A good team player

If you have all of the above or some of the above you will realize you are a born entrepreneur. Yes, you need to be or feel like an entrepreneur if you want to be a part of product based company.


Want to be a part of one such team? Do write to me at with your latest resume, one nice pic and the reason why you think you are a born entrepreneur. If I like it, I will talk to you. We always have ample of scope for new and creative minds and those entrepreneurs to fit in and build greater products with us.


However, not every product based company is equally good. Some of the product based companies have agile masters sitting on top of hierarchy. Agile masters from service based companies and others have produced. They just promise rainbows and make the companies bleed. You should avoid such companies as well if you want to make your career last long.


Why should you avoid service based companies and fake product based companies?

These companies do not help you learn meaningful things in your life. Their focus is short term. Their goal is limited. Based on their focus and their goals, they make you understand the things in a different light and perspective. 


For example – If there is a problem client is facing which demands immediate attention. In a true product based company you think about how to resolve the problem. This thinking cranks up your engine and opens the door for learning. However, in a service based company their immediate thought process, most of the times, is to find a target to blame the issue. This also cranks up your engine and opens the doors for learning but a completely useless learning. This helps in survival but not for long.


Your true asset is your knowledge. Knowledge which helps the world. Not, the one which takes you out of the current difficult situation and keeps you afloat for the next quarter.


Always strive to learn meaningful new things and stay away from service based or fake product based companies.






Posted at - May 9, 2019 & Last Modified at - May 15, 2020

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Khalid is a hard core techie with an undying desire to learn and explore new technologies. In his journey to the perfection, he owned the development methodologies, provided with best optimal options and platform selections in technical designs and helped numerous clients to evaluate & improve their technical architecture.

Khalid Ansari | CTO

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