Why Toogit is best upwork alternative, even better than upwork

When you are the largest in the market or have monopoly in the market, there is nothing you can’t do. You can:  

  1. Charge excessively high prices
  2. Force down the fair price of a gig to less than minimum wages
  3. Block people’s access to their own hard earned money
  4. Stop taking new accounts
  5. Scam your clients and customers
  6. Abandon existing contracts by blocking clients or freelancers
  7. Violate your own policies
  8. Force to use a bad service on high price
  9. Apply algorithms to scam more people and make more money
  10. Exploit clients and freelancers by imposing highest commission
  11. Block anyone who raises voice
  12. Stop providing actual customer service
  13. Stop giving sh**


That is exactly what the gig economy giant upwork.com is doing since a long time. Online freelancing communities and chat rooms are full of people upwork has exploited and robbed. Few references:  

  1. https://www.sitejabber.com/reviews/www.upwork.com
  2. http://upworkfraud.byethost4.com/?i=1
  3. https://hackernoon.com/why-you-should-never-use-upwork-ever-5c62848bdf46
  4. https://www.quora.com/What-is-your-review-of-Upwork


Seasoned freelancers would know what an apocalyptic change it has taken since it became Upwork. There is no more trust; there is no more genuineness, no more professionalism. It has become a wild wild west.


Upwork is a greedy marketplace that only tries to make more money for itself. Sky touching commission and service charge is not enough so they started blocking people to access or withdraw their own money.  


  1. Commission: 20% commission + 2.75% processing fee + VAT + FX rates. In other words they can simply ask to forget about the 25% of total money you have actually earned by working.
  2. Memberships and connects: Pay the membership fee and then buy the connect points to get the contracts. Once you get them, work and complete them, pay the commission then processing fee then VAT and FX. Seriously?
  3. Account suspension: Work a lot and earn a lot. Then live in a fear that they might block your account and transactions, apparently for no reasons. Question, All the accounts you guys block\suspend, where does their money go?
  4. Fake profiles and projects: Every freelancer and every project you see the first question comes in mind is Is it genuine? Not because there are no real profiles but because there are so many spam profiles and projects that you eventually start questioning every one of them.
  5. Project Management: The tool they provide does not keep a track of a long term project. Short term projects are managed greatly but never worked on managing the long term projects. The upwork earnings are less in long term ones.
  6. Non-supporting support: Upwork support made a history in being non-supportive. Looks like either they don’t have reasons for any action they take or they don’t want to disclose the policy they follow. Looks like actual policies are not the ones that are mentioned on upwork, but the ones that are followed by their support team.


If we include all the issues with upwork, this thread is never going to be completed. Giving your precious time and efforts to upwork isn’t wise enough anymore.


We propose the solution

You get to know how you can fix a problem when you have faced it for several years. That’s how all issues you face in freelancing has been fixed by us. All these problems needed to be resolved but never seemed to be. Then the concept of resolving them born.


Toogit born to solve these issues. Not to make money, but to make freelancing better and transparent than ever.


  1. Commission: 8%. Simple straight 8%. No additional fee for anything. Even FX rates is exempted for INR transactions.
  2. No spammers: Toogit has taken specific steps to remove spam projects and profiles.
  3. Project handling: Toogit's Project management tool is a benchmark in the freelancing industry. It solves your issues in managing long term projects as well as short terms.
  4. Auto proposals: Makes your life easier. Ensures you don’t miss a project of your interest even when you are offline.
  5. Profile imports: Import your ratings on the first day and your profile would have all the feedbacks you earned on other freelancing sites.
  6. Support: Support team is the face of a company, we made sure ours is most attractive.


Start with Toogit. All issues you have faced in freelancing are already taken care and resolved by Toogit. If you have faced any issue in freelancing and you want to discuss, write us at support@toogit.com


Posted at - Oct 23, 2017 & Last Modified at - May 15, 2020

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Khalid is a hard core techie with an undying desire to learn and explore new technologies. In his journey to the perfection, he owned the development methodologies, provided with best optimal options and platform selections in technical designs and helped numerous clients to evaluate & improve their technical architecture.

Khalid Ansari | CTO

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