Why toogit is better than all freelancing sites

The world’s first-ever website was created in 1991 and we have over a billion websites today, just in 25 years. It was a quick and useless fact to prove that we are rapidly inventing new technologies and growing faster than ever. When you are reading this, there must be someone somewhere in the world, working on the next big thing. But, in the world of freelancing, we have not seen any new invention in the last decade.

Well-known and established websites started something good ten years ago but right now they are just outdated and greedy. This is the time when we need to implement new inventions in the field of freelancing. After several years of research and analytics, we have identified some big issues with the conventional way of freelancing and developed a system to overcome and fight back these biggest issues. It took a lot of time and effort to implement all these solutions in one single platform. The dream of clients and freelancers came true in a form of a new verb in freelancing, ‘Toogit’. The verb toogit means a smart and advanced way of freelancing and we introduced this verb in form of a website: Toogit - Great Work, Creativity And Trust Delivered Online.

Let’s avoid talking on imaginary grounds and have a look at what were the issues faced by freelancers and clients in leading websites and how Toogit fixed them.

Current market analysis

It is a well-known fact that 80% of the freelancing market is occupied by the big 4(Upwork, freelancer, guru, Fiverr), and the rest 20% of freelancing work is distributed in other thousands of websites. These big 4 are dominating the market and hence they get a perfect opportunity to exploit the freelancers and clients. The best part of the online world is ‘nothing is hidden’, we have many community talks where we can check how they are exploiting the freelancers and clients. Let’s see what the biggest issues of freelancing are and how Toogit fixed the issue:

Profile and reputation Import

In web-based freelancing, you cannot depend on anyone's website, you will have to be regular on at least three websites to get enough work and earnings. Let say after paying a lot of money, after working hard and smart you still managed to create a reputation on a website. And then you decide to be active on other websites, you will again have to pay a lot and work a lot on this second website and it really takes a lot of time and effort. Don’t you think it should be easier? You have worked and paid a lot to create this rating and reputation, why you shouldn’t get benefitted to use it? Because if you can use it on another website, this other website will lose a lot of chances of ripping you off. Even in organizations, your past experience is considered to be a big plus and a big point in deciding your earnings, then why not in freelancing? Toogit respects your experience and cares for your hard-earned ratings. You can import your profile from other big websites. You will now have your complete reputation imported on Toogit and you can start getting some respect from day 1. As of now, we have enabled profile import options from Upwork, and guru. In near future, we will add more websites to import your profiles from.

Making Proposals

This one is from the client’s point of view. There are a lot of projects with urgency, usually, all project gets posted for around a month. But the project which needs immediate fixes and as soon as possible assistance, they get delayed because ‘right freelancers’ notice them late. I can only imagine how much trouble it costs to a client if such type of project gets delayed. The big 4 never took any initiative to overcome this issue. Toogit invented an automated process for proposals. If the client needs immediate assistance in any urgent project, he can enable automated proposals. Freelancer, on the other hand, needs to set up his automated proposal template and specify the conditions. Now, Toogit’s algorithm picks up the freelancers in the desired skills and makes automated proposals to the clients on your behalf and you get notified.



They are charging a huge commission of 20% and more. It is hard-earned money of yours and 20% seriously is gigantic. It is much higher than any type of commission in any form. Then you have to pay taxes and currency conversion commission which is not included in the website’s commission. So, you end up paying around 45% of the total money you have earned. This is highly unacceptable, at least to myself.

Toogit charges only 8% commission as of now and targeting to make it 0% in near future. Yes, you heard it right; we will make it zero in the coming days. You don’t have to pay anything upfront, get the project, complete the project, get paid, and then pay the commission. Plus if you are in India you don’t have to pay currency conversion charges, we will bear them for you and you get your amount in your home currency without any hidden charges.

Project tools

When you get a project and start working, it becomes very hard to manage it effectively. So most of the freelancers use premium and high-end project management tools for their convenience. When you have paid a huge commission and paid for biddings and skills, you deserve something in return, at least something to facilitate your work and manage your billed time which also helps you deliver your project within the timelines. But you get nothing from them. Toogit gives you a professional high-end project management tool that has premium quality features but we offer it without any cost. You get the complete value for the 8% commission you are paying. This tool will break down the projects into smaller parts as per the client’s specifications and will help you to deliver the project within deadlines.


Scam projects and profiles

This is a big issue on these freelancing websites. Around 70% of projects are fake, most of the time beginners are not able to identify these and as a result, they end up wasting their time and money. These websites do not take steps to eliminate these fake projects hence it is highly possible that these fake projects are posted by the website itself to increase their own earnings. To justify this point let’s check this page. Freelancer.com deducts their commission from the freelancer’s account as soon as the project is awarded to you. Now, fake projects will get cancelled as soon as they deduct their commission from your account and it is not at all refundable for your nightmares. Imagine how much they make with 70% fake projects. Toogit has implemented an intelligent algorithm to filter the low-quality projects; these filtered low-quality projects are then forwarded to a dedicated team. This team handpicks these projects, reviews them, and removes the bad ones from the site.

Payment Assurance

With big sites, this is a huge issue. You work on a project, give your time and complete it in the best possible manner but what if the client does not pay? Another nightmare of a freelancer. And it is very frequent in remote work environments. It is not ensured that you get paid for your work. Toogit clients deposit the total amount in a safe payment system, once you complete the project this amount is transferred to your account from the safe payment system. That eliminates the risk of unpaid work.

Bids, connect points, skill tests are other ways to exploit

This is a serious issue. It makes me doubt that is it actually free to start freelancing on their websites? You get around 8-10 bids or connect points for free every month, depending on the website. Now, in the beginning, your conversion rate would be 1%, but just in 8 bids you can’t even get a single project in a month, then you would need to buy more connect points or bids which are very costly. Just 10 connects for $10. Seriously, you are already paying a huge 20% commission for the project and you can’t even bid for the projects without buying these connect points. And again they are just bids, in no possible way they guarantee you to get a project if you buy them. What a robbery. Now, this isn’t enough for them so they are running other robbery schemes. Skill tests, yes, you will again have to pay for the skill test, and needless to mention you are still hoping you will get a project. And you even have to pay to add your skills (more than the allowed limit) to your profile. Looks like you are here to spend, not to earn. Toogit gives you unlimited bids every month in auto proposals and 30 free connect points otherwise. There is no skill test and adding skills to your profile is also free of cost. Also, there is no paid membership upgrade plan. You work and your reputation automatically gets raised.


Posted at - Feb 2, 2017 & Last Modified at - Nov 5, 2020

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Dushyant is a seasoned freelance writer, developer and start-up enthusiast. Apart from front and backend development, his passion for writing makes him an expert in blogging, content writing and generating quality web traffic.

Dushyant Tyagi | Freelance Writer

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