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Required Logistics Management,Third-Party Logistics (3PL),Warehouse Management,Warehouse Operations freelancer for New Warehouse Proposal job

Posted at - Aug 2, 2023

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I am looking for a someone experienced in warehousing , supply chain management to help me to make a proposal.

The company i work for currently uses a 3rd Party warehouse to store the goods and now we want to lease our own warehouse. So we want to make a proposal to our Head office to get the approval. The proposal should have all the factors like cost analysis, advantages..etc

About the recuiterMember since Nov 11, 2022 Spandey
from Kanagawa, Japan

Skills & Expertise Required

Logistics Management Third-Party Logistics (3PL) Warehouse Management Warehouse Operations 

Candidate shortlisted and hired
Hiring open till - Sep 15, 2024

Work from Anywhere
40 hrs / week
Hourly Type
Remote Job

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