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Required Data Science & Analytics,Data Mining & Management freelancer for Data Processing Needed: Survey Questionaire Breakdown job

Posted at - Feb 14, 2024

Hello and thank you for showing interested in our job posting. Our company recently sent out a survey about how our customers to improve themselves, and what type of content they want to see from us. We're looking to hire someone to look through this data, and categories the answers into easily consumable pieces. For this project, we will provide a spreadsheet and template of how we would like the data organized.

Our only requirement is that you have access to Google Sheets.

About the recuiterMember since Mar 14, 2020 Admin Contact
from New South Wales, Australia

Skills & Expertise Required

Data Science & Analytics Data Mining & Management 

Open for hiringApply before - Feb 13, 2025

Work from Anywhere
40 hrs / week
Hourly Type
Remote Job

Offer to work on this project closes in 134 days!
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