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Required software development,Website Development freelancer for Looking for a senior automation qa who has proven coding skills in Java job

Posted at - Apr 30, 2024

We are looking for a senior QA automation engineer with proven coding skills in Java. The developer we are looking for must have at least 7 years commercial automation QA experience , must have very strong technical skills, must be able to work fast and efficiently . Must have proven skills using various automation tools and coding OOP in Java.

In addition , we are looking for a developer who has EXCELLENT soft skills, must be communicative, responsible and accountable. Must have very good verbal English . We are looking for team players who are committed , serious and professional .

Thank you

About the recuiterMember since Mar 14, 2020 Altaf Ansari
from England, United Kingdom

Skills & Expertise Required

software development Website Development 

Candidate shortlisted and hired
Hiring open till - Sep 15, 2024

Work from Anywhere
40 hrs / week
Fixed Type
Remote Job

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