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Required Salesforce App Development,Salesforce CRM freelancer for Need an experienced Salesforce consultant to help with changes to our CRM job

Posted at - Apr 28, 2024


We currently have an Essentials License to Salesforce and need an experienced Salesforce consultant to do the following task:

At a high level, we have a number of leads in our system that aren't currently associated with their respective account that already exists in the system. We need to create a lookup field on Leads that attaches those Leads to the Accounts, allowing users to pull info from the Account.

Please only experienced Salesforce consultants apply.

Additional work to follow pending success with this task.

About the recuiterMember since Mar 14, 2020 Raju M
from Brittany, France

Skills & Expertise Required

Salesforce App Development Salesforce CRM 

Candidate shortlisted and hiredHiring open till - Jul 27, 2024

Work from Anywhere
40 hrs / week
Hourly Type
Remote Job

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