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Required software development,Website Development freelancer for Shopify Monitor / Sneaker Monitor Bot job

Posted at - Jun 11, 2024

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I am looking for a developer who can code in C# / Python / Node.js to code a Shopify monitor to help me purchase sneakers. I want a developer who can speak pretty good english so I can explain things to them. Basically what I need is a program that can be compatible with to notify me when new products become available or when items restock on a shopify website. Basically a shopify scraper, I will be monitoring over 100-200 websites at once so the program must be smooth and not crash, I have powerful servers to support powerful programs they just need to be solid, I can't have a program that crashes a lot. Requirements are: Slack Webhooks to be able to post to slack, be able to use proxies on the program, as well as be able to look at examples and projects to help you perform this, I have many examples and programs to help you. But really I am looking for someone with experience and can speak good english. I am in the sneaker industry and this business can make you a lot of money, we can possibly work together and make thousands of dollars. We can help each other and I am looking for one person to build a solid relationship with for tons of other projects I need. I have tons of references and examples, if you are from the United States I can help a lot more. But a different country is fine with me as I have worked with some developers from around the world. Examples of the shopify monitor:, . Picture: , let me know what you think.

About the recuiterMember since Mar 14, 2020 India Inv
from Chieti, Italy

Skills & Expertise Required

software development Website Development 

Candidate shortlisted and hired
Hiring open till - Sep 15, 2024

Work from Anywhere
40 hrs / week
Hourly Type
Remote Job

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