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Required CRM freelancer for Business Process Automation Architect for Fast-Moving Fintech Startup job

Posted at - Jun 18, 2024

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A consultant who optimizes business processes based on what's observed. Ability to take the process driven development (PDD) and tweak it to reduce error and improve efficiency. Able to improve the PDD over time based on what is learned.

Essential Skills: statistical analysis, systems design, often with an undergrad in robotics or materials design / engineering / data science / statistics.

Preferred Background:
- software development
- math or hard sciences
- worked at large management consultancy or investment bank


DealSyte is a software company founded in 2017 to disrupt the M&A process. The average middle market deal demands over 1,000 hours of an investment banker's time, half of which is purely administrative.

DealSyte is a junior investment banker on demand. Our software handles the administrative aspect of deal work for banks -- everything from sending teasers, tracking follow-ups, managing NDAs, and updating Excel trackers.

About the recuiterMember since Nov 11, 2022 Aruna Thangaraj
from Odisha, India

Skills & Expertise Required


Candidate shortlisted and hiredHiring open till - Aug 17, 2024

Work from Anywhere
40 hrs / week
Hourly Type
Remote Job

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