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Required Engineering,Computer Engineering,Software Architecture freelancer for Online Gynaecologist for Digital Nomad job

Posted at - Jul 11, 2024

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We need online follow-ups for a female that has 'irregular periods'.

That person travels the world constantly thus the consultancy should be adapted to it.

We might want to get physical exams, but you would be the official doctor managing everything, online.

Objective would be to lower PMS symptoms: low energy, moody, physical pains, etc.

And also to ensure that pregnancy is possible in a year.

About the recuiterMember since Mar 14, 2020 Jonathon Wittev
from Shibenik-Knin, Croatia

Skills & Expertise Required

Engineering Computer Engineering Software Architecture 

Candidate shortlisted and hired
Hiring open till - Sep 15, 2024

Work from Anywhere
40 hrs / week
Hourly Type
Remote Job

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