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Required Article Writing,Blog Writing,Content Writing,SEO Writing freelancer for Aviation B2B Blogger Writer Needed job

Posted at - Jul 11, 2024

I need two stories written every month on Aviation. The articles are Maintenance related and could cover Avionics, Aircraft Parts, Aircraft Mechanic, Training, OEM's, Distributers and Suppliers to the industry.

For example; Articles could be related to a specific OEM (GE, Honeywell, Pratt Whitney, Boeing etc..) or specific to writing about aircraft maintenance areas like Engine Maintenance, Wheels and Brakes, Composite Repair etc.. Or It could also be writing about a companies products like Testing Equipment, Fall Safety Equipment, Tools, Chemicals etc..

The articles would be paid at an rated of 45 cents per word and be around 750 - 1500 words per article. Articles are expected to have quotes from industry and research that backs up the article with references.

About the recuiterMember since Mar 14, 2020 Webmurahbagus
from England, United Kingdom

Skills & Expertise Required

Article Writing Blog Writing Content Writing SEO Writing 

Candidate shortlisted and hired
Hiring open till - Sep 15, 2024

Work from Anywhere
40 hrs / week
Hourly Type
Remote Job

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