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Required Android App Development,Database Design,Golang,Go,iPhone App Development freelancer for Building a Social Network Mobile Application - UGC + Live Streaming job

Posted at - Aug 24, 2024

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Building a Social Network Mobile Application - UGC + Live Streaming

- Native app for iPhone and Android. = Swift / Java
- Highly scalable back-end. = GOlang
- Researching and choosing secure, cost effective, high performance technology stack.
- A solid plan and comprehensive documentation.
- Allow for future implementation of more feature without redesign.
- Solid UI/UX

- A combination of basic social network features similar to (Snapchat, YouNow, Preiscope,
Instagram, Facebook, etc)
- Personal Live Streaming of Videos
- Special Account Types with specific feature set and controls
- Advertising, in-app purchases, money generated features
- Allow integration with accounting system and payments
- Future: AR/Game features
- Multi-Language support - will be translated to many languages
- Chat Messages, Voice, Video call

Deadline = Maximum 3 months.

- All source code, ideas, and related materials will be fully own by me.
- Work on this project must be confidential, and must not be disclosed to anyone.
- All technologies, libraries, code must be fully open source and can be used
commercially without any royalties or fees.

About the recuiterMember since Nov 11, 2022 Vishal Kochar
from Bjelovar-Bilogora, Croatia

Skills & Expertise Required

Android App Development Database Design Golang Go iPhone App Development 

Candidate shortlisted and hiredHiring open till - Sep 23, 2024

Work from Anywhere
40 hrs / week
Fixed Type
Remote Job

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