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Required DevOps,Docker,Laravel Framework,Linux System Administration,Microservices freelancer for Laravel Microservice Deployment on a single linux server job

Posted at - Aug 25, 2024

we have a 6 microservice based system written with laravel, and we need a professional consultation on the best as well as the fastest way to deploy it, which will also give us a chance to maintain it.
we also might need help in implementing the consultation findings, for instance configuring docker container [in case it is chosen to be the way to do it].

About the recuiterMember since Aug 28, 2017 Kareena
from Delhi, India

Skills & Expertise Required

DevOps Docker Laravel Framework Linux System Administration Microservices 

Candidate shortlisted and hiredHiring open till - Sep 24, 2024

Work from Anywhere
40 hrs / week
Hourly Type
Remote Job

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