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Required Logo Design,Adobe Photoshop freelancer for Create a LOGO for our House Flipping Real Estate Company - Flip N Real job

Posted at - Aug 25, 2024

We are looking to hire multiple designers. The questions and answers asked to the client are:

1 - Do you have any competitors? How do you differ from them? We do have competitors, but what makes us different is that we're looking at the business from a consumer perspective, hence our business model is geared towards helping you find your perfect home that's safe for your family.

2 - What does your company name mean? How was it thought up, come about or what was it derived from? FlipNReal originated with our business tasks of flipping and selling properties. It's our take on the phrase "freaking real".

3 - Do you have any specific imagery or icons you would like to appear in the logo? I like contemporary clean templates; simple yet elegant.

4 - Do you have any color preferences, existing brand colors, or colors you do NOT wish to include in your logo? Silver/Greyish tones with mostly white clean look

5 - What adjectives would best describe your logo? Modern, clean, contemporary

6- Where will your logo be used? Web, print, other? Everywhere (web, print, emails) etc

7 - What's the most important application for your logo? Engage audience & have a name brand for our company

8 - What overall message do you want your logo to convey to your audience? We're experts in flipping distressed properties and create the house of your dreams.

9 - What is your preferred typography? (heavy, bold, hand written, script, light) light and easy to read

About the recuiterMember since Nov 11, 2022
from Madrid, Spain

Skills & Expertise Required

Logo Design Adobe Photoshop 

Candidate shortlisted and hiredHiring open till - Sep 8, 2024

Work from Anywhere
40 hrs / week
Hourly Type
Remote Job

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