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Required 3D Design,3D Modeling,3D Rendering,AutoCAD,Computer-Aided Design freelancer for Scan to CAD 3D modeling job

Posted at - Aug 25, 2024

We need a CAD expert to make CAD models from 3D scans that we will provide.

The scans are of firearm parts and pieces and the quality of work only needs to be good enough for instructional use. The 3D CAD models will be used for showing part assembly and maintenance in both 3D viewing software and renders for printing.

Most parts will be scanned but simple parts such as pins will be photographed and measured.

About the recuiterMember since Nov 11, 2022 Keyur Bhadada
from District of Setúbal, Portugal

Skills & Expertise Required

3D Design 3D Modeling 3D Rendering AutoCAD Computer-Aided Design 

Candidate shortlisted and hiredHiring open till - Sep 15, 2024

Work from Anywhere
40 hrs / week
Hourly Type
Remote Job

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