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Required software development,Website Development freelancer for Full-Stack Developer job

Posted at - Aug 25, 2024

Toogit Instant Connect Enabled

We're a digital agency in need of an on-call full-stack developer for mostly front-end work across a mix of custom code and WP sites. There will be some weeks that we will have a lot of work and others that may not have any but we are looking for a long-term relationship -- someone that we can work with for years and that we can call on as things come up.

It's extremely important that you be experienced (do not need training of any kind) and that you can jump in right away and start working. We also need someone that is trustworthy - we cannot have any errors or people disappearing in the middle of a launch, for example.

Looking for someone to literally start today. We have work to assign.

Please share work samples when sending over your bid.

About the recuiterMember since Mar 14, 2020 James Stan
from Castille-La Mancha, Spain

Skills & Expertise Required

software development Website Development 

Candidate shortlisted and hiredHiring open till - Sep 8, 2024

Work from Anywhere
40 hrs / week
Hourly Type
Remote Job

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