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FreePBX v13. Review all settings to ensure correctly configured. - Troubleshoot single issue. - Posted By Beypeople on Aug 30, 2024

Posted at - Aug 30, 2024

Our Voice over IP telephone system has serious problems, we have one main line and about six other lines, only the main line rings others do not. Sometimes when you dial the main number you hear 'this number is not in service' when you redial the call comes through. We also have an ATA Cisco phone/fax adapter behind fax behind which our fax resides. We cannot get faxes on our fax machine. We need somebody to configure that. Of course we have a particular fax number so that number has to go to the fax machine.

About the recuiterMember since Mar 14, 2020 Beypeople
from Assam, India

Skills & Expertise Required


Candidate shortlisted and hiredHiring open till - Sep 29, 2024

Work from Anywhere
40 hrs / week
Hourly Type
Remote Job

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