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Required software development freelancer for ZOHO CRM Migration of existing v1 code base to v2 job

Posted at - Aug 16, 2024

In ZOHO CRM migrate existing v1 code base to v2 per email from ZOHO CRM Team shown below.

This is just to inform you that you are still using deprecated v1 API's in your function code. These APIs will be disabled on April 30, 2020. You can refer to our previous announcement on this.
We highly recommend that you migrate your existing v1 code base to v2 before this date. Otherwise, all functions using v1 APIs will stop working and can cause possible data loss.
To facilitate a quick response, we share a PDF which contains all the functions you're still using with v1 APIs with shortlisted candidates. Please go through them and refer to our forum post on the next essential steps to take. For more details refer to our API document.
If you are not familiar with this terminology, please contact the developer who helped you set up this system.

About the recuiterMember since May 20, 2018 Kharis
from Pontevedra, Spain

Skills & Expertise Required

software development 

Candidate shortlisted and hiredHiring open till - Sep 6, 2024

Work from Anywhere
40 hrs / week
Hourly Type
Remote Job

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