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Required Data Science & Analytics,Data Mining & Management freelancer for ML Categorization & Price Prediction for Luqtah Platform job

Posted at - Oct 1, 2024

The project will be done in phases starting from the most foundational steps moving on to the later steps.

The project is comprised of the following steps:

1) Image recognition

2) Product categorization (User has no control over disabling ML he can just go back and repeat the process with better pictures and/or increase the number of images)

3) Price Range estimation:
Based on the price of the un-used model, this will be the upper limit, while lower limit will be a percentage of this price for example 25 % for electronics vs 10% for books... etc )

4) Estimation of time until sale:
This will depend on the price selected from the range, by the seller.
As well as possibly extracting data from our platform, such as the number of users/buyers who are looking for similar items and their spending habits as well, ie did they spend the same amount(or greater) on similar products before.

I will provide a 3 documents, that were shared by the development team, we have gone through the documents together extensively with the development and there has been a number of back-and-forth discussions around the scope but the UI/UX part is still largely undefined and we have all agreed to revisit the design later in the project, at least after part one is finished.

About the recuiterMember since Mar 14, 2020 Testew Testew
from Haute-Garonne, France

Skills & Expertise Required

Data Science & Analytics Data Mining & Management 

Open for hiringApply before - Dec 30, 2024

Work from Anywhere
40 hrs / week
Hourly Type
Remote Job

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