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Required Engineering,Computer Engineering,Software Architecture freelancer for Supply chain analysis of business job

Posted at - Oct 1, 2024

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I am needing recommendations for the following business
I need the below questions answered please:
Modify the existing operations to increase competitive advantage look at answering the below

How can reliable processes help you become more competitive?
Systems safety (reliable processes)
Could time standards for your manufacturing facility improve your competiveness? (how many people, how many machines)
How about managing different levels of capacity and service or production volumes?
How do you ensure your processes work at all times?
What tools could help you create reliable processes? (Flow analysis, process design, quality management, Kanban, Lean)
What space requirements do you have and what should your layout look like to ensure reliable and safe processes?
designing for competitive advantage, considering systems safety:
Systems safety/ reliable systems and processes:
Is about health and safety in your organization (reducing accidents and law suits for damages)
Is about quality management, consistency of product/service delivery
Limiting warranty claims and returns
Ensures your processes are set up in a way where you always deliver the same product/service without fail, reliable, e.g. no allergens in food, no quality issues with your product
Ensures your processes and systems are reliable and always produce the same profit, e.g. no waste
Capacity planning and layout. Good layout for productivity?
Failing systems? E.g. internet outage or power cut?
Reliable suppliers and backups?

You will need to have supply chain experience and use your own experience and knowledge to discuss and answer the above points
Can you please send me how much you will charge?

About the recuiterMember since Nov 11, 2022 City Round Up
from Massachusetts, United States

Skills & Expertise Required

Engineering Computer Engineering Software Architecture 

Open for hiringApply before - Dec 30, 2024

Work from Anywhere
40 hrs / week
Hourly Type
Remote Job

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