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Watch later playlist - Posted By Dylan on Oct 4, 2024

Posted at - Oct 4, 2024

I need a tool (script/browser addon/desktop program) to download/convert Youtube playlists and 'watch later-lists'.
I've done some Google searching but I couldn't find anything simple enough to use.

If you are able to find something already existing on the internet I would be content with that, otherwise I need the tool to be written/configured to my needs.

I usually use these webistes to fetch each video individually (as mp3s), maybe you could incorporate them into the software if needed:

Are you able to do it?

About the recuiterMember since Aug 30, 2017 Dylan
from Bergamo, Italy

Skills & Expertise Required

software development Website Development 

Open for hiringApply before - Jan 2, 2025

Work from Anywhere
40 hrs / week
Fixed Type
Remote Job

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