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Connectwise Automation/Scripting Engineer - Posted By M Hadi Santoso on Oct 5, 2024

Posted at - Oct 5, 2024

Toogit Instant Connect Enabled

- Automation/Scripting Engineer will have primary responsibility for managing our Connectwise application environment to include Automate functions.
- This job includes but is not limited to Script writing, managing security updates, systems automation & enhancements, keeping all components up to date, creating new scripts to automate client management tasks such as auto-remediation of issues on endpoints and software installation, and managing Automate integrations with other tools.
- Manage and administer the automation and monitoring service. Provide expert level administration for system and infrastructure connectivity in our environment. Serve as a key subject matter expert for automation and systems management for our ConnectWise system.
- Extensive hand-on experience with identifying, configuring and standardizing Remote/Internal/System Monitors for proactive monitoring across all endpoints.
- Experience with Chocolatey and Integration/Deployment with Automate
- Plan, develop, and deliver system and data driven projects on time and on budget. Work with cross functional IT teams on various projects as requested.
- Improve usage of IT Support resources and increase productivity of the team through the connectivity of the tools and automation within the Managed Services team.
- Oversee all of the Professional Services Automation tracking systems for all help desk tickets, customer inventory, workflow, etc.
- Maintain awareness of all outstanding customer issues both pre- and post-delivery and provide status to clients as necessary.
- Design and maintain process documentation
- Identify areas for improvement and make constructive suggestions for change
- Involvement in the design and building of new services.
- Prior experience working at a Managed Service Provider (MSP)
- Experience with ConnectWise Automate scripting, SQL
- Command of PowerShell to supplement ConnectWise Automate scripting
- A solid technical background across the entire IT Infrastructure / Managed Services technology stack
- 3+ of ConnectWise Automate experience and a deep understanding of the product architecture, as well as the database
- Excellent oral and written communication skills

About the recuiterMember since Mar 14, 2020 M Hadi Santoso
from New South Wales, Australia

Skills & Expertise Required

software development 

Open for hiringApply before - Oct 19, 2024

Work from Anywhere
40 hrs / week
Hourly Type
Remote Job

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