Remote Network And System Administration Job In IT And Networking

Application design expert needed for management application

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1. Objective:
This involves coding a (simplified) management application for restaurant additions.
2. I will share some images for your reference
Made of :
An Appetizers section, a Dishes section, a Desserts section, an Addition section and a Payment section
The Entrances section contains:
* - An Entrance label
* - A Quantity Label
* - 3 (or more) radio button
* - 3 (or more) Text Field with 1 as default value The Dishes section contains:
* - A Plates label
* - A list of available dishes (with some dishes and their prices)
* - A list of dishes ordered initially empty
* - An Add button
* - A Cancel button The Desserts section contains:
* - A Desserts label
* - 3 (or more) check boxes
* - 3 (or more) combo box (for quantities) with values from 1 to 10 The Addition section contains:
* - An Addition label
* - A text area (Text Area) initially empty The Payment section contains:
* - A Payment label
* - A promotion code Label
* - A Total Price Label
* - A Discount Label
* - A Cash Label
* - A Currency to be returned Label
* - 3 labels with 0 dh initially. The content of these labels will change along the way
* - 2 Text Field

A calculate button (does not belong to any section)
b. The application must allow you to calculate the total amount to be paid, the discount to be applied if applicable and the currency to be returned.
The total amount to be paid is calculated and then displayed in the corresponding label according to the quantities of starters, dishes, desserts selected. The calculation is mainly done when clicking on the Calculate button.
By clicking on the button Calculate: the discount and the currency are calculated and the summary of the addition is displayed in the text area (Text Area)
vs. operation:

* - Entries section: Allows you to choose the entries and the quantity of each entry by entering the desired quantity in the text field (Text Field) before each entry.
* - Desserts section: Allows you to choose the desserts with the desired quantities. The drop-down list (Combo Box) contains values ranging from 1 to 10. At any time, you can uncheck a Dessert previously checked.
* - Dishes section:
* The dishes available list initially contains the dishes offered by the restaurant. The ordered dishes list is initially empty. To add a dish to the order (and therefore to the addition), simply select the dish in the available dishes list then click on the add button. This will add the dish selected in the ordered dishes list. We can add the same dish as many times as we want (as on the screen above the couscous dish appears 2 times in the ordered dishes list). At the same time, think about calculating and adding the price of the dishes ordered with each addition. We will call this amount sous_total_plats. To cancel an order: simply select the dish to be canceled from the ordered dishes list and click on the Cancel button. This will have the effect of:
* 1- Remove the dish in question from the ordered dishes list
* 2- Subtract its price from the price of the dishes ordered (ie from the sub_total_plats)

* - Payment section: This section allows you to:
o Enter the discount code. We will assume that the only discount code accepted is 1234.o Enter the amount of cash given by the cliento Display the discount applied, the total amount to be paid and the currency to be returned. This after calculation of course (the display is done after clicking on the Calculate button)
* - Addition section Allows you to display, after clicking on the Calculate button, the summary of the order. That is to say: the starters, dishes and desserts ordered, then the discount applied and the total amount to be paid.
* - The Calculate button The processing will mainly be done in this button: calculating the price to pay based on the choices already made and the discount.
By clicking on this button you must:
* - Retrieve the information on the starters and desserts ordered with their quantities in order to calculate the sub_total_ entrees and the sub_total_desserts. The sub_total_plats is normally calculated in the processing of the Dishes section: when adding a dish to the ordered dishes list and when canceling a ordered dish. Then just calculate the total price by adding the three subtotals.
* - Retrieve the promotion code. If the discount code is = 1234 then a discount of 10% of the total price must be applied. Otherwise no discount is applied.
*- Recover the value of the cash given by the customer
* - Display the amount of the discount (0 if the code is not provided or different from 1234; 10% of the total price if the code = 1234)
* - Display the total amount to be paid (after discount)
* - Display the currency to be returned
* - Display the summary of the addition in the text area of the Addition section
About the recuiter
Member since Mar 14, 2020
H Vikram Arora
from Kaskadar, Uzbekistan

Skills & Expertise Required


Open for hiringApply before - Nov 30, 2024

Work from Anywhere

40 hrs / week

Fixed Type

Remote Job



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