I Will Setup Lamp On Your Vps Or Dedicated Server

By Balvinder S.


About This Service

In less then 24 hours work completion !!!

I am experienced with linux server administration 5+ years, I can setup LAMP / LEMP server on Linux as your request.

These are the below services i am offering within this service
  • LAMP stack with basic configuration + phpMyAdmin
  • Mail server + FTP Server
  • 1 website migration + setup
  • DNS Management

I can also install letsencrypt on your server either it is vps or dedicated server as follows
  • Let's Encrypt installation + 1 website ssl installation / configuration with site auto renew
  • SSL installation per website

If you want any paid / open source panel installation see extra service
  • Free Web Hosting Panels :-
  1. Webmin/Virtualmin
  2. Zpanel/Sentora
  3. Ajenti
  4. Vesta
  5. CWP (Centos Web Panel)
  6. Kloxo-MR
  7. ISPConfig
  8. Froxlor
  • Paid Web Hosting Panels :-
  1. WHM/Cpanel
  2. Plesk

There are many more free hosting panels i can also install that too.

Note :- I can also setup the server on cloud : aws , digital ocean, rackspace, azure and many more.

For extra fast delivery within 4-5 hours add extra : 1000/- INR

100% Money back Guaranty if you are not satisfied !!!

What seller need from the Buyer to get started?

I need root ssh credentials to start the work or if you using any cloud then i need full access to create the instances either it is on aws, azure, digital ocean or any other cloud hosting.

Which php version you want for your website/app ?
PHP 5.4 / PHP 5.5 / PHP 5.6 / PHP 7.0 / PHP 7.1 (latest)

Which mysql/mariadb server you want me to install on your server ?
Mysql 5.1, 5.5 , 5.6 , 5.7 (latest) or Mariadb 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.5, 10.0, 10.1, 10.2 (latest)

Note :- Please contact me before ordering the service.
Esitmated cost is $17.98 & delivery in 2 days

Related Tags

LAMP Administration cPanel PHP Nginx Apache 

About The Seller

Balvinder S. - SERVER ADMINISTRATOR, from India

I love helping companies / clients to deploy their code / applications to well managed, optimized, secure server and can go extra mile to satisfy. As Linux Server Administrator i am having 4+ plus years of working experience with different server environments and these are of my key reposibilites areas :- > Hosting Administrator installation / management / configuration of Plesk Parallels...

Contact Seller

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