load testing | performance testing | performance engineering

By Gopi Dev

Performance Testing | Performance Engineering | Load Testing | JMeter | Loadrunner | Performance Center

About This Service

Will Support any Load testing related activity. I have good knowledge in loadrunner, jmeter and also monitoring tools like AWS Cloud Watch, AZURE application insights, dynatrace, app dynamics, dot trace, sql profiler and mongo db profiling.

Supported multiple domain projects like banking, auditing, tax, real estate, online cabs and event management systems(eg: seat reservation).

What seller need from the Buyer to get started?

Would like buyer to join meeting where quick introduction will be given about project worked and a quick discussion on below mentioned data points.

  1. Understand project
  2. Suggest tool
  3. Do a POC (optional)
  4. Give detailed timelines.
  5. Provide test plan/Strategy document and then proceed further.

Esitmated cost is $139.06 & delivery in 7 days

Related Tags

JMeter Load Testing LoadRunner AppDynamics 

About The Seller

Gopi Dev - Performance Testing | Performance Engineering | Load Testing | JMeter | Loadrunner | Performance Center, from India

• 8 years experience in Performance Testing/Engineering. • Good in using Adobe Omniture to analyze past status in production and to come up with list of critical business functionalities and corresponding load model. • Good in gathering requirements from Developers/Architects/Business Analysts/Product Owners and prepare test plan. • Expertise in testing Web/Mobile/Desktop applications. • Expertise...

Contact Seller

Frequently Asked Questions

How To Find Right Freelancer?

So here are four main steps to follow when searching for freelancers:
1) Inspect. Before you consider searching for the right freelancer, have a clear vision of what the project is about.
2) Shortlist. Once you've examined each freelancer that is bidding, you can now think about making a short list.
3) Interview.
4) Hire.

How do I contact the seller before I place my order?

Within the service page, you will see a 'Contact Seller' button at right side. We recommend contacting your seller before placing your order, especially if you have specific requirements.

What is freelance service?

Freelance service is any fixed contract service. Designing, tax filing, software development with no full time commitment comes under freelance service.