Web App, Android App, iOS App - Cross platform Development

By Theodoro P.

Sr. Full Stack Developer

About This Service

This is a budget-friendly architecture to launch a website, an android app & an iOS app. Mobile apps just loads the optimized website.

What's in the package:

  1. A SEO-optimized website which is offline-ready.
  2. An android app
  3. An iOS app
  4. GA Integration


  • Good for e-commerce, service-provider apps & the likes of them.
  • Good for MVP scoped(R&D/POC) Apps. Move fast with minimal effort
  • Drive traffic to your app from playstore/appstore searches & at the same time, from web searches.
  • 1 Development, for 3 platforms which saves you thousands/millions of development cost.

Hosting options:

  1. Cloudflare/github(free)
  2. Cloudflare/netlify(free)
  3. AWS Route53, AWS Cloudfront, S3 Bucket($0.5/mo for domain, cheap cost for CFront & S3)

What seller need from the Buyer to get started?

The budget may vary, depending on the scope of project.

  1. Story, why you need this awesome service.
  2. Scope/Requirements
  3. App Store Account(To deploy iOS app)
  4. Playstore Account(To deploy android app)
Esitmated cost is $2,256.06 & delivery in 30 days

Related Tags

React.js Redux.js HTML CSS React Native 

About The Seller

Theodoro P. - Sr. Full Stack Developer, from Philippines

From LAMP Stack, to Full Stack Javascript Development. I've been trained to craft high quality apps that can withstand millions of transactions per month with the least amount of budget and cutting-edge technologies.

Contact Seller

Frequently Asked Questions

How To Find Right Freelancer?

So here are four main steps to follow when searching for freelancers:
1) Inspect. Before you consider searching for the right freelancer, have a clear vision of what the project is about.
2) Shortlist. Once you've examined each freelancer that is bidding, you can now think about making a short list.
3) Interview.
4) Hire.

How do I contact the seller before I place my order?

Within the service page, you will see a 'Contact Seller' button at right side. We recommend contacting your seller before placing your order, especially if you have specific requirements.

What is freelance service?

Freelance service is any fixed contract service. Designing, tax filing, software development with no full time commitment comes under freelance service.