How to recruit and hire during COVID-19 pandemic

The corona virus (COVID-19) pandemic has killed over 400K and sickened more than 9M of people around the globe. We face the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic, it’s clear that a switch to remote recruitment is important if you continue hiring. COVID-19, or corona virus is pushing recruiters to innovate and reinvent their type of recruiting. Multinational companies have taken the rising global health crisis very seriously and hiring employees online until this international public health emergency is contained, corporate are shifting their entire recruitment strategy to freelancing platforms. 

The freelancing platform create a channel where there is no physical exposure between the candidates, and interviewers as social isolation will help to mitigate COVID-19 led disruption and sustain business continuity.

Due to COVID-19, many companies have completely operated remotely. If you’re hiring, then you need to understand which recruiting process is best in corona virus quarantine. During COVID-19, Top hiring managers turn towards freelance platform for hire great talent instantly and communicate easily with candidates and make some common sense changes to standard hiring procedure, like using video conferencing tools for interview. If committing to new full-time employees without the ability to meet them face to face in unnerving for your company’s hiring managers, consider retaining experienced freelancers instead.

Tips for evaluating and improving your hiring process 

Hiring freelancers can seem intimidating. After all, you may wonder how you'll find the correct one that will work independently and complete required tasks in a timely manner. The advantages related to hiring freelancers are significant, and you'll more easily hire the correct candidates from Toogit for a remote position when you concentrate on a few important strategies. 

  1. Choose and hire for right qualities: Many people would love the opportunity to work from home, but the actual fact is that not everyone has the right combination of skills and knowledge to achieve success in this type of position. Before you start interviewing a candidate, consider what qualities and skills are ideal for candidates in your field. Work along with your team or hiring manager to come up with the desired skills, qualities, and knowledge which can make the freelancer successful within the role. Once you've this alignment, touch on these skills when writing your description and listing. These are the attributes you’ll use to screen candidates during the recruitment process.
  2. Write accurate and engaging job description: Writing a complete job outline, responsibility and expectations in job description is always good for hiring, but it’s especially important when you’re recruiting freelance candidates. Don’t forget to mention that you’re still hiring in the period of the pandemic to encourage potential candidates to apply.
  3. Check applicant communication skill and equipment: Your evaluation process with a freelance applicant will begin from your initial communication with them. While this will also be true to evaluating on-site candidates, it’s important to pay even more attention to the following behaviors when interviewing a freelance candidate.
    • How quickly do they respond?
    • Do they communicate clearly and effectively in writing?
    • You'll also need to use a video interview to conduct the actual interview, and you need to concentrate how well they use their technology.
  4. Create a welcoming atmosphere: During your interview sessions, you should strive to form a welcoming atmosphere. This way you're ensuring that the candidates are relaxed enough to point out you their best self, making it easier to identify real talent.
  5. Ask right questions to assess candidates: If you ask behavioral questions that help you to assess skill levels in different areas relevant to the position, but you need to go a step further when interviewing remote workers. Ask questions that give insights into their level of self-direction and organizational abilities. Ask for specific scenarios when they have worked independently, strategies have used to manage their time, or an example of when they were responsible for pro-actively communicating the status on a project. Inquire about the technology and tools have used to work remotely in the past, such as for communication or file sharing. Ask about the hours they keep when working remotely and the way they plan to handle distractions and interruptions when working from home.

During a national emergency, such as the COVID-19 pandemic and quarantine, all recruiting teams are wrestling for hiring new employees, we hope these strategies will help guide your recruiting teams for the weeks ahead. Be well!


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Saad A. | Freelance Content Writer and Graduated Developer

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