Hire a Ghostwriter: Write your Books in a modern way

Hire a Ghostwriter: Write your Books in a modern way

You’re a successful business person, you have a book in you. You know you need to write this book for many reasons but you haven’t done it. And the fact is, as busy as you are, you probably aren’t ever going to do it yourself. So what now? Find a ghostwriter for hire to write your business book. Freelance platform is the right way to find a professional Ghostwriter for hire.

The title and duties of a “ghostwriter” have typically, very suitably, been shrouded in mystery. In previous times, the role of a ghostwriter was mostly reserved for writing books, speeches, biographies, and similar material. Whereas, ghostwriting services are certainly still alive and well within the industry because of the unprecedented demand for content in today's marketplace, the roles of ghostwriters have changed, along with their potential worth.

If you're looking to take your content of books to the next level, words from a ghostwriter may be the missing piece you have been looking for. Here are the main reasons why, and how to go about hiring the right one.

Why you should hire a ghostwriter

  1. Ghostwriter save your time: Ghostwriter is huge time saver, this is a clear benefit of ghostwriting services, probably the main benefit. If you'll be able to afford a ghostwriter, then it means that your time is very valuable. It takes a normal author 500-800 hours to put in writing a nonfiction book by themselves. A person worked as a Ghostwriter can reduce that time as much as 50 and 80 hours of your time commitment all the way down to the tens of hours (or even less).
  2. Ghostwriter help to build quick brand awareness: Ghostwriters help companies and personalities build brand awareness faster if you are allocating time to publish quality stories once a quarter or month, hiring a reputable ghostwriter can speed the up the process of getting your brand’s story out there. You have to manage company business and ghostwriter only has to write.
  3. Don’t need to learn how to write a book: One of the reasons it takes so long for many people to write a book is the method of writing itself are very complicated and difficult to learn. A book has a very different structure and set of rules from almost any other type of writing or communication, which makes writing a book harder than writing anything. Sometimes people who start their books don’t finish them. A ghostwriter, by writing the book for you, ensures that the manuscript does, in fact, get finished.
  4. Ghost written content is authentic: Most people think a ghostwriter diminishes authenticity. This can happen if someone (or a company) change ghostwriters often; their voice diminishes quickly. Ghostwriting is far from inauthentic. The process of ghostwriting a book generally involves deep engagement by the named author. While, yes, ghostwriter sits down and “does the work” of putting words on the page, the process requires a high level of intellectual involvement between author and writer.

How to evaluate a ghostwriter

Ghostwriting services has been opaqued market for a very long time. Toogit finally made it is simple to find a ghostwriter. It’s time to evaluate them, here is the basic process by which you can assess them and figure out if one is a good match.

  1. Understand the skill level you needed and priced: World-class ghostwriters are hard to find, and expensive as well. Enter your search knowing how skilled of a ghostwriter you would like. For example, if your book is more of a “how to” book, and most of the content is going to come directly from interviews with you, then you don’t need a first ghostwriter. You simply need someone who will turn what you say into a book. However, if you’re writing fiction, then you need someone who is a skilled in writing. They need to be able to take whatever concepts you have, complete analysis to supplement them and then write it beautifully.
  2. Ask about their process: This is during the interview of course, you need to really be sure of their process. This is one of the major drawbacks of ghost-writing; there's no defined process, and each ghostwriter does it their own method. So, you would like to know how they do it. You want to hear they are highly responsive, and extremely cooperative. But believe it or not, you truly want someone who sets good boundaries. This means they are clearing about the number of revisions, number of notes, how they want to get information from you, how they want to interact, etc. A ghostwriter who agrees to anything or is very vague about detail is a ghostwriter who doesn’t have a process, who is desperate to get your money, and probably won’t deliver a good manuscript. A good ghostwriter is the opposite. They’re polite, but they’re very firm, and they’re very clear because they know what they are doing.
  3. Read their previous books: Any ghostwriter should provide a complete list of books they’ve ghostwritten. Reading a book written by a ghostwriter you’re thinking about hiring, especially one that relates to your subject, is an extremely helpful way to see how a ghostwriter might tell your story. You’ll get to see how they convey large quantities of information, what the technical aspects of their writing, and really, what’s extremely necessary, is. however participating they are on the page. You should be able to tell if they've written books similar to yours, which means they've written in the same point of view, same style, same narrative structure, etc.
  4. Interview them: A great ghostwriter expresses your idea in even better terms than you would. So what you’re looking for someone who not only understands what you are trying to say, but who can bring something else to the table. That’s what you want to see in the interview: that they are not only getting your idea, but they are adding to it in conversation. A big part of this is getting along with them. Do you like talking to them? Are they good active listeners? Are they adding to the conversation?

Saad A.

I am a qualified freelance content writer and graduated developer. I have experience in a wide range of industries, including technology, business, finance, and education. I have a keen eye for detail and a passion for writing, which I believe makes me an excellent candidate for any writing role. I am also a proficient developer, with experience in Python, Java, and HTML. If you are in need of any help, feel free to contact me.

Saad A. | Freelance Content Writer and Graduated Developer

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