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Required Data Science & Analytics,Data Mining & Management freelancer for Data Management job

Posted at - Oct 3, 2024

Data Management System:
Invoice management, Payment management, Payroll Management, Petty Cash Management
Expense Management,
Personal detail: Salary slip, attendance sheet plus overtime, leave application, a record of leave application previously. Employee training record, Employee Summary
This application can access online anywhere, required app (Android & iOS)
The payment system will be updated by multiple users,
Multi-user with user login facility, user cannot delete/edit once data entered, or user-level authorisation.
Super Admin= Full Control
Manager =
Field Staff =
Staff =
By default full control, but Admin will control (allow or disallow). If field staff or staff enter any entry (with evidence attachment if any ) it will go to the manager for approval, especially petty cash & expense,

About the recuiterMember since Nov 11, 2022 Aenur Rohman
from Mpumalanga, South Africa

Skills & Expertise Required

Data Science & Analytics Data Mining & Management 

Open for hiringApply before - Oct 17, 2024

Work from Anywhere
40 hrs / week
Fixed Type
Remote Job

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