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*UK ONLY* Photographer required for on-going product photography - Posted By Madhur Godara on Oct 4, 2024

Posted at - Oct 4, 2024

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We're looking for a photographer, ideally based in the UK, that has experience with product photography and lifestyle photography.

We have a variety of products across a range of product categories that require an overhaul on current photography. Due to the quantity of products and images we require, this will be an on-going working relationship especially as we continue to improve our products which therefore requires repeat photography on some products.

As a minimum we require images on a white background however at some point we will be looking to add in lifestyle photography which can be discussed in more detail however bonus points if this is something you're particularly skilled at. Editing is not specifically required as we can outsource that also therefore our original project is purely based on images based on white background. Again, bonus points if you can perform editing and touch ups to create a final version of the type of image we would launch on our e-commerce platforms.

Each product we offer will require a variety of images showcasing that particular product in different angles as well as close images of particular features of importance for each product. As each product differs in category, the number of images will vary however we anticipate somewhere in the regions of 4-10 images per product.

A full brief can be discussed in more detail however in order for us to review and compare each applicant fairly, it would be handy to have some gauge for comparison in which we'd ask for an example quotation on X amount of images for X amount of products. Please also supply some images from your portfolio which you feel are relevant to this project.

I looking forward to your proposal.


About the recuiterMember since Nov 11, 2022 Madhur Godara
from Lombardia, Italy

Skills & Expertise Required

Graphic Design 3D Design 

Open for hiringApply before - Nov 3, 2024

Work from Anywhere
40 hrs / week
Hourly Type
Remote Job

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