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Product Sourcing & Supplier Communication for Textiles (Pillow) - Posted By Vijay Lakshetty on Oct 5, 2024

Posted at - Oct 5, 2024

Toogit Instant Connect Enabled

I am looking to produce a specialized wedge pillow for acid reflux. Similar to existing design - nothing particularly fancy but with some requirements. We have an existing brand with digital products that would benefit from adding such a physical product.

I need someone to help with researching and contacting possible suppliers. I plan to focus on US suppliers for the beginning, simply as we will start out with a small badge to test the demand / product-market-fit. Sourcing from Asia would unnecessarily complicate the process in the beginning.

- researching possible US suppliers
- contacting suppliers
- possible collecting first information what they can offer
- following up if there is no reply

I will take over the process once communication is established.

About the recuiterMember since Nov 11, 2022 Vijay Lakshetty
from Uusimaa, Finland

Skills & Expertise Required

Engineering Computer Engineering Software Architecture 

Open for hiringApply before - Dec 4, 2024

Work from Anywhere
40 hrs / week
Hourly Type
Remote Job

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