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Release Manager - Git Expert - Merging - Branching - CD/CI - Posted By Jordan Puchinge on Oct 5, 2024

Posted at - Oct 5, 2024

We are looking to hire a Release Manager to manage all the multiple releases that our company executes in a weekly basis.

We have over 15 Repos with about 70 developers so the work is pretty massive to keep all the branches updated with latest code that made it to Production. Handle and coordinate code reviews, and code merges. Create checklist for DevOps to know what needs to be release ( what branches) to which environments ( Dev,QA,Prod). Handle any code merge conflicts. Basically manage and do anything that our Git Repository needs for good execution

The skills:
- Strong and Advance Git experience
- Basic programming knowledge - need to know languages but no need to be master of any
- Basic knowledge of CD/CI processes and Jenkins
- Strong communication skills, you will be dealing with Developers, Code Reviewers, QA, DevOps Engineers
- Excellent English speaking and written abilities
- Able to dedicate 20 hours at least ( preferably more) to this job per week

About the recuiterMember since Mar 14, 2020 Jordan Puchinge
from Buenos Aires, Argentina

Skills & Expertise Required

Git Jenkins 

Open for hiringApply before - Dec 4, 2024

Work from Anywhere
40 hrs / week
Hourly Type
Remote Job

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