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Database / Airtable / Excel Consultant Needed - Posted By Adarsh Kumar on Oct 5, 2024

Posted at - Oct 5, 2024

I am the manager of a local cleaning company and we need help managing our customer and appointment database.

We would like to create a database (most likely in airtable, but open to your suggestions) for all of our employees, clients, and appointments.
We would like to have views so that we can see every appointment matched to it's respective client and employees that were sent to fulfill the appointment.

Ideally the database would also automatically populated be from our scheduling software, Full Slate.

We have been manually creating daily schedules via excel which has become unsustainable. We have to create this daily schedule because our scheduling software Full Slate, although it does a good job of saving our online bookings, doesn't have a very good and flexible way of assigning different employees to different clients.

It may be hard to extract the cleaners in our excel files from each appointment because the sheets from every day are not uniform, and there are multiple cleaners in the same cells.

We would like to be able to do the following:
-select a date and see all the appointments with assigned employees
-select an employee and see their appointment history
-select a client and see their appointment history

We would also like to be able to generate a nicely formatted daily schedules from the database, preferably in Microsoft word. I have a template of what we would like it to look like. We need to do this because part of our daily workflow is to print out the schedule for each of our employees in the morning.

Thanks and please let me know if there are any additional details required!

About the recuiterMember since Mar 14, 2020 Adarsh Kumar
from Päijänne Tavastia, Finland

Skills & Expertise Required

Data Science & Analytics Data Mining & Management 

Open for hiringApply before - Dec 4, 2024

Work from Anywhere
40 hrs / week
Hourly Type
Remote Job

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