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HTML Change invoice Type - Posted By Roopa Selvanaya on Oct 6, 2024

Posted at - Oct 6, 2024

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I am working with sprout invoices.

The default does not let me choose more than 3 options
Paid _ COMPLETED ( invoice closed )
Pending - Waiting for payment ( Open)

It might be easier to keep the paid option the same, but make a change on the HTML code to add a new 'project Status' that i can see on the main screen showing that button one the invoice is paid, but status 2 shows its pending- with a delay.

I have another design guy take on this task but was unable to get the HTML correct as this is not his specialty. He changed the list and the list shows up as required but when you select an option it does not save as the option selected.

I also need the discount total to show up in the bottom tally so customers know what they saved.

also need to to change sign up page to - request business name, phone number, email upon signing up as right now clients are not filling the account info in after sign up forcing my staff to do this. can we do it so the client signs up and then fills in a form with all required credentials?

below is a sample that looks good, it just does not work.

About the recuiterMember since Mar 14, 2020 Roopa Selvanaya
from Vojvodina, Yugoslavia

Skills & Expertise Required

software development Website Development 

Open for hiringApply before - Nov 5, 2024

Work from Anywhere
40 hrs / week
Fixed Type
Remote Job

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