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XCHANGE - Posted By Cecep Ari Senja on Oct 6, 2024

Posted at - Oct 6, 2024

Toogit Instant Connect Enabled

I am going to create an app called "XCHANGE" that compares the prices of phones and computer (new and second hand) of several brand, and lists the phone for the costumes from several websites so that he can select what he wants.

I would like a design/layout with 3 main tabs on the bottom part of the phone, the "search" where there is a search bar and underneath it there is a list of phones from diferentes sites, the second tab is the "favorites" where the costumes can see the sites and phones they added to their favorites list, as well as the one witch they already viewed and the third is "more" where they can ask for help, give feedback, see our social media's.(there are photos of examples of how it should look like more or less)
but if you have a good design idea you could add it in the app (but show it to me first)

As it is a phone and computer app when you click on the filter tab you will be able to filter by:
New or second hand
Sellers location

And on the order by tab they will be able to order by
Phone/computer name (alphabetical order)
Sellers location (distance from the buyer)

I would like an map that list the sellers location

I would like a freelancer with a good price max (600USD$) and that make a way for me to be able to edit the app if I want to after.

About the recuiterMember since May 20, 2018 Cecep Ari Senja
from Irbid, Jordan

Skills & Expertise Required

software development Website Development 

Open for hiringApply before - Dec 5, 2024

Work from Anywhere
40 hrs / week
Fixed Type
Remote Job

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