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Build web apps/sites for Retail Store. - Posted By Indra Prahasta on Oct 6, 2024

Posted at - Oct 6, 2024

Web Design and Development
About us: Convenience Store with a gas station.
What we're looking for:
An experienced web developer or small pappa-mamma company, no large corporations will be acceptable.

To help kick-start/build a website and mobile app. We need someone to work on project requirements. The project is based on a very experienced person (Or small company no more than 5 people) do the job in a fashionable and reasonable manner.
Must have a portfolio and Company Information (start up the company, years of experience no less than 5 years); with links sites that was built by you or your company to see final results.

- Full Understanding and Experience with English Languages,
- Knowledge in and either or: Wordpress, PHP, HTML,
The Auction Site is built in PHP, ( I have the template ready)
The site must include:
- Mobile-Friendly Website
- Ease of Use
- Able to upload and ease of use High-Resolution Photos and Video, with options to comment and include a headline as well as sale cart,
- User-Generated Reviews
- Special Offers
- Wish Lists
- Find-in-Store
- Related Items
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
- Social Proof
- Security Features
- Advanced Payment Options
- Detailed Shipping Information
- Multi-Touchpoint Contact Page
- Return Policy
- Detailed Shipping Information
- Fully Design from scratch!!! No Templates will be acceptable.!!!
This will include:
- E-Commerce Retail Store (with a gas station) including Inventory Control,
(Liquid measurements must be included),
- Additionally, the main site will include the following:
- Security Registration by Credit Card or other valid ID.
- Registration for News email, membership, and registration for login must have a credit card or other valid ID, (no members less than 18 years of age) Credit Cards and PayPal app, Auction Site, Blog, Dating Site, email control, the photo gallery will include (likes, comment 200 words max), purchase options
We have an existing site ready but needs to be redesign and drastically improved. This site (existing web site) was built using the Wordpress platform.
I use www.godaadycom as a shelter and C-Panel, etc.
Please contact me with future questions
Ps: Due to a relevant job, I would like to see the Diploma of Finished Degree that you are applying for. Reason: Many Toogit freelancers attesting they have a degree in, but in actuality, they do not. So please understand my request. If you read that far I want you to use the word 'Bonito' in reply to me. Thank You.

About the recuiterMember since Mar 14, 2020 Indra Prahasta
from Braila, Romania

Skills & Expertise Required

Administrative Support CSS Graphic Design HTML javascript 

Open for hiringApply before - Jan 4, 2025

Work from Anywhere
40 hrs / week
Hourly Type
Remote Job

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